Want to try road cycling but not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered. Distinct from just riding around on a bike, road cycling opens up the possibility of covering greater distances and has more of an emphasis on fitness. For most people, road cycling represents a personal challenge, although it can also be competitive.
Interest in all forms of cycling has exploded in recent years, transforming it from a niche activity to one that millions of people in the UK partake in every week. If you’re looking to make your first pedal revolutions, here are some key tips to make sure you get the most out of your early miles and become one of us.
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How to get started with road cycling
1. Get the bike…

Road cycling differs a bit from general pootling about. To help you cover longer distances, road bikes include features such as skinny, slick tyres and drop handlebars. Aiming to be as light as possible, they’re a specialist type of bike and so come with a slightly increased pricetag. Not that you need to spend a fortune, but you can get a decent budget road bike for around £1,000, even if bikes have become significantly more expensive in recent years. Road bikes start from around £500 to £600.
Of course, second-hand is a good option these days, there are over 11,000 results on eBay for road bikes under £500. However there’s a big chance you might find yourself hit with a first servicing bill to get your buy into good working order that wipes out any saving. So if you’re going down that road make sure to do some research and, obviously, make sure the seller is trustworthy.
Once you’ve decided how much to spend, think about the riding you might want to do. Will it be all on-road, or might you head off-road too? How flexible is your back? Will you want something racy or more upright? It’s a good idea to pop down to your local shop and try out some bikes to make sure you know what you want before you purchase.
To get a taste of what it’s like to ride top-end bikes from the world’s biggest brands, get a ticket to one of our Track Days events.

2. ...and accessories

The staff at the bike shop sure love selling you these. But what do you really need?
First, a helmet is sensible. Paying more for this won’t necessarily buy you better protection as all helmets have to pass the same safety standards, however, it’s still worth going mid-range rather than getting a cheaper uni-size design, as it’ll be lighter, cooler, better fitting and more comfortable.
Lights are a legal requirement when it's dark. Plus you’ll need a lock if you want to leave your bike on the street. Aim to spend 10% of the value of your bike on a lock – if you can’t find a lock that matches the cost of your bike, it means your bike is too expensive to leave unattended!
It pays to be self-sufficient, so a multitool for adjustments, plus a pump, tyre levers and spare inner tubes should travel with you at all times. Read our guide to what to take with you on every ride for a comprehensive list.
A water bottle and bottle cage are inexpensive and you’ll need them on longer rides unless you’re a camel. So ends what we consider the bare essentials.
However, for sporty cycling, going without underwear and investing in some padded cycling shorts will keep you comfy. Also, consider getting some gloves if you’re prone to sore hands or expect to fall off. A jersey with back pockets will help, but any breathable top will do to get you going.
Until you’ve caught the bug and want to take the next step we’d save specialist shoes and clip-in pedals for now, but once you start using them you'll never go back.
3. Stay safe

If you’re going to ride on the road, you should know the rules. You can find the Government’s Highway Code – Rules for Cyclists here. Note the difference between ‘should’ (it’s advised) and ‘must’ (normally a legal requirement).
Even if you’re sure of what you’re doing, it’s a good idea to practise somewhere safe and quiet too. Parks are perfect for this. You could even sign up for a Bikeabilty course.
Once you’re ready to hit the roads, try to always ride as predictably and decisively as possible. Be clear in your mind about what movements you want to make, communicate your intentions clearly to other road users (eg, using your arms to indicate when it's safe to do so), and then move confidently when you’ve checked it’s safe.
Give yourself and other road users space, and be aware the faster you’re going the more distance you’ll need to leave.
At junctions, aim to occupy the middle of the lane so drivers are aware of your position. Be particularly careful of traffic that might turn left across you, and never enter the space on the left side of large vehicles.
Look for quieter routes and you'll have a safer and more enjoyable time, Google Maps and Apple Maps both have cycle-specific route suggestions that use cycle lanes and quiet roads (Google is superior for this), or you could try a route planning app like Strava or Komoot.
4. Push the distance

As you start riding more, your body will adapt to the stresses of cycling. As this happens it should get easier. At the same time, this will allow you to go faster and ride for longer.
This means now might be a good time to invest in some more kit; decent shorts to keep your bum happy, a cycling computer to help you log your progress or navigate new routes (although many free cycling smartphone apps such as Strava include ride logging and navigation functionality). Specialist shoes and pedals will make you more efficient and keep your feet comfier.
But more important than splashing the cash is getting into good habits. Make sure you know how to fix common mechanicals like punctures. Ensure you always have a stash of snacks on you. Find the best quiet routes, trails or climbs near where you live.
Try and make time for regular rides and maybe rope in some friends. Start to get a sense of what you enjoy and what you might be good at.
5. Find some friends

Some riders are happy to go it alone, others thrive on cycling’s social aspect. However, riding with other people doesn’t just provide motivation, it also lets you slipstream each other, sharing the workload and increasing your average speed.
But what if you can’t round up a whole squad from your contacts list? Consider joining a club. Not only will you get faster, but doing so is a great way to meet people, find fresh routes, and make the most of your new hobby.
Depending on where you live, you’ll find as many types of club as there are different tribes of cyclist. Some have more of a sporty focus, others are slower and more social. Some are dedicated to particular disciplines, while some have an unhealthy interest in craft brewing.
Either way, most will run multiple club rides catering to different abilities and will often have a dedicated ride for would-be members. Find out which ones are nearby and pop down to say hi.
Of course, if you’re already quick it’s tempting to jump straight in with the A group. Just remember, riding in a bunch is a distinct skill, so unless you’ve had prior experience start with the beginners’ ride and move your way up.
6. Plan something

Cycling presents millions of challenges, big and small. The first is to maintain balance and not to fall off. Once you’ve mastered that, you could set the goal of riding for 50 miles in one go, then 100 miles.
Taking your bike away and going touring is also a good way to find new challenges. You could plan a ride that goes through three counties, or across the country, or across three countries. No cyclist can see a hill without wanting to climb it, and every cyclist should ride a famous mountain climb once in their life.
For those that like their fun a little more structured, each year 100,000s of people take part in events across the UK. Entering a big sportive like RideLondon, The Fred Whitton Challenge or the Dragon Ride in Wales is also a great way to motivate yourself to train and ride more.
If you’ve got a competitive streak, racing can be the perfect outlet for it. There are many different disciplines, from time-trials to circuit racing, grass track to cyclocross.
Whatever it is that inspires you, pick a challenge and pop it on your to-do list. It’ll help you make the most out of your time on the bike.
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