In this week’s episode of the Cyclist Magazine Podcast, James is joined by Spanish ultracyclist and runner, Juan Dual. As a teenager, Juan was diagnosed with familial adenomatous polyposis, a rare form of cancer that attacks the digestive system, and in the decades since he’s had his stomach, colon, large intestine, rectum and gallbladder removed. And yet he continues to compete in some of the most gruelling ultra-events on the planet, including El Kilometro Cero, a journey of 920km from Madrid to Cape Finisterre in under 100 hours.
In this candid chat, Juan explains how he rides such huge distances despite not being able to feel hunger, absorb calories efficiently or control how often he needs to go to the toilet. He explains how he’s cheated death, opens up on his relationships with friends and family, and expands on how surviving cancer and taking on ultra-endurance events has given him a whole new perspective on life that he’d love to share.
Interview starts at 8:56.
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Follow Juan on IG here, and check out his exploits with sponsor Vielo here.
- Listen to Juan Dual on the Cyclist Magazine Podcast now on Acast
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