Welcome to episode 2 of the Cyclist Magazine Podcast, be sure to subscribe, comment and tell your friends, family, colleagues and dentist. It’s mathematically official, the Cyclist Magazine Podcast is now 100% bigger! Because here it is, it’s episode 2! So put on your comfy bottoms, load that French press and hit play.
We kick things off by paying homage to electronic music’s founding father, Florian Schneider, who passed away on 21st April 2020. Together with Ralf Hutter, Schneider formed Kraftwerk in 1968 and in so doing changed the face of music forever.
Along the way, Kraftwerk gave us the Tour de France Soundtracks album, inspired by Schneider’s passion for cycling that saw him riding 200km per day in between designing proto-synths and ensuring the band were made into working robots.
Related questions you can explore with Ask Cyclist, our new AI search engine.

Next up we take the most behind-est of scenes look at cycling’s most mysterious collection, as we visit Bradley Wiggins in a secret lock-up chockfull of his favourite memorabilia. Yes there’s the Fausto Coppi yellow jersey from 1949, a Miguel Indurain lo-pro and Tom Simpson’s bowler hat, but little did we know there would be one thing to top it all, and which Wiggins really isn’t supposed to have…
Finally, it’s all just a bit of fun when we explore Cyclist’s own 100 Classic Climbs and get to grips with what we liked, what you liked and what at least one person said they absolutely hated. Lists are supposed to be controversial, aren’t they? Even if we might have to fess up to at least one mistake.
Hang on a second, did we say finally? Because remember that quiz we promised you in the last episode? Well, Joe might finally have come up with the goods. It’s not just Kraftwerk that likes bikes.
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